Weekly Trick Challenge

I decided that I was gonna pick one of my dogs to learn a new trick and give myself a time limit. ONE WEEK to learn this trick. Why am I doing this? Well it forces me to  work my dogs more and allows me learn more behaviors for both my dogs  on the plus side it will be fun to brag about. So each week I will pick a  new trick for my dogs to learn. I will hopefully update this once a week to keep my follower's up to date if the trick was a pass or fail.  These tricks can actually be useful, pointless, funny, cute, it doesn't matter as long as it does no harm to my dog's over the coarse of learning the trick.  If you have a suggestion for a trick Please let me know.

How I will format the Trick info
Name of Trick

  • What kind of Trick is it :
  • Date Started:
  • Date Finished:
  • Date Behavior was Completely Learned 
Useful ~~~Pointless ~~~ Cute ~~~ Funny ~~~ Odd

How I plan on teaching the trick:
Pass or Fail
What I actually did:
If I failed what went wrong or what I would change: (remember I only have 1 week to learn this)