Monday, March 22, 2010

Treat Suggestions

When Doing any kind of Positive Reinforcement Training you will be using a reward for your dog doing the correct behavior, in many cases its probably food. Reward based training is probably one of the most effective ways to teach to a dog a new behavior. Do you really think Marine animals like killer whales could be trained using the methods of harm? So if a very large marine mammal can be taught to open their mouth to brush their teeth and other behaviors using positive reinforcement training why can't we use the same methods on our dogs. Think of food, toys and play rewards as money for your dog. They can careless about the value of a dollar bill but give them a smelly treat and you're in business! The higher the "value" the treat the more willing we're gonna be to learn or do the behavior.

If someone asked you to move a stack of books to one corner of the room to another for a quarter. What do you think you'll do? Well depends on the person asking, What exactly they're asking for and if you feel like it. If I like you I will probably do it, but I'm not gonna rushing to do it. Now if someone asked me to do the behavior for $1. Same questions will apply. But I would probably more likely get up and do it or at least a little faster. What about $5? Now how about $100? Like you or not, I will move that stack of books pretty fast to get that $100 dollars. If I feel like it or not, I will still do it cause I want the reward. And if you kept on doing it will keep moving books around for more money Money makes the human world go round. So using different "value" treats will make your dog want to learn and keep repeating the behavior for you.

Each Value Level is based on a few things : The importance of the behavior, how well we know it, or how new the behavior is.

Here are some Treat Suggestions:
The Quarter - The behavior is either older or well known
  • Kibble
  • Cheerios or Other low sugar cereals
  • Little to No Smell to them treats
The $1 Dollar - The behaviors that are semi well know or just basic. Most Commerical Brands are "dollar" Treats. Some of the Brands I enjoy using in classes
  • Old Mother Hubbard- Small Biscuits or Training Bits
  • Charlie Bears
  • Carvers- Chicken Flavored (Break these treats into smaller pieces
  • Nutro Natural Choice Crunchy Treats- Apple or Blueberry
  • Pet Botanicals- Omega Treats or Training rewards
  • Zukes
  • Bill Jac
Human Foods that can be used
  • Frozen Peas
  • Carrots
  • Cooked Pasta
The $5 Dollar Treats - The Really Smelly Treat
  • Moo Moo Q's- Beef Lung
  • Baa Baa Q's- Lamb Lung
  • Freeze Dried Liver
  • Freeze Dried Chicken
  • Chicken Poppers
The $100 Dollar Treats - OMG! This is the best thing in the world Please please please I will do anything for these treats. Mostly Likely this are gonna be human foods

  • Cooked Chicken
  • Hotdogs
  • Thawed Meatballs
  • String Cheese
  • American Sliced Cheese
  • Cheese Balls

When using treats as rewards always remember to many can fill your dog up quickly and be unhealthy. When you have a full dog they're less motived by food and it slows down the learning process. Also Train a hungry dog when you can. For Small and Medium dogs treats should be roughly the size of their kibble or a pea. Larger dogs treats should never be bigger then the size of a nickel. Treats should always be the big enough to enjoy but quick and easy to eat. Please never give more then 25% of their diet in treats, I like to tell my students 10% of their diet is perfect balance. Also remember rewards don't always have to be food. Using other things your dog enjoys are just as likely to work. Take your dog off welfare make them work for anything you give them. Make them sit for greeting, for dinner, Petting for laying down,Have them stay for fetch just think of the endless possibility you can do for rewards for your dog.
  • Fetch, Tug, Frisbee, Catch and other sources of play
  • Vigorous petting and happy praise
  • Squeaker toys
  • Walks, games of tags and hide n seek
  • Time on the Couch.
  • Anything your dog enjoys
Here's a Collection of Different Kong Recipes. I searched all over the internet for Kong Recipes. Here are some that I found Enjoy! the following Kong stuffings are made with one or more human food ingredients:

CRUNCH 'N MUNCH: Combine crumbled rice cakes and dried fruit with some cream cheese and plain croutons.

PUMPKIN PIECES: Combine some plain yogurt, canned pumpkin, and cooked rice in a small baggie. Mix well inside the bag, then snip off a corner of the bag and squeeze it into the Kong toy. Freeze.

KIBBLE-SICLE: Put a glob of peanut butter into the Kong first. Then add some dry dog food. Pour in some chicken broth. Add some more peanut butter, followed by more dry dogfood. End with another glob of peanut butter at the very top. Freeze until solid.

OLD STANDBY: Soak some of your dog's regular food in water (or chicken broth) for a brief time before

CARB DELIGHT: Combine some canned dogfood with pasta noodles, rice, mashed potatoes, and some of your dog's dry dog food. Freeze.

NUT CRUNCH: Take 2-3 dog biscuits and crunch them a bit into very tiny bite-sized pieces. Add a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter. Then add a couple spoonfuls of plain yogurt. Mix in bowl until soft, but not runny.

VEGGIE OMELET: 1egg,Your choice of shredded cheese,Any veggies that your pet may like.Scramble egg and fold in veggies. Put into KONG toy. Sprinkle with cheese over the top and microwavefor about twenty seconds. Cool thoroughly before giving to pet.

Mix together some fat-free cream cheese, peanut butter, and either sugarfree applesauce or a jar of baby food (like bananas, carrots). Cram a solid food item into the small hole at the end of the Kong, then fill with the mixture. Seal the large hole with either more cream cheese or peanut butter.

FRUITOPIA: Combine applesauce with chunks of fruit. Freeze.

PUPPY TRAIL: Fill the Kong with some cashews (unsalted) and freeze-dried liver bits. Add some dry dog food and/or dog crushed dog biscuits and some Cheerios. Drop in a spoonful of peanut butter, followed by some dried fruit. Finally, top it off by using a piece of ravioli or tortellini to close the large opening.

RED ROVER: Smear the inside of the Kong toy with peanut butter. Put a tiny piece of apple into the small hole, then drop some more apple pieces in next. Drop in a scoop of peanut butter (or cream cheese), then drop in some dogfood or broken dog treats. Add another scoop of peanut butter (or cream cheese), then more apples. Plug the large opening with a final scoop of peanut butter (or cream cheese) and freeze.

FROZEN TUNA SALAD: Mix together well: 1 6oz can of light tuna, 2 T. plain yogurt, and 1/4 C. grated carrot. Spoon into KONG toy. Freeze. According to Linda G. of Mendham, NJ (as printed in the Aug '07 Kong Newsletter), "This treat is healthy and high in Omega-3 fatty acids which contribute to healthy skin and a glistening coat." it inside a Kong, then freeze.

MUTT & CHEESE: Melt a cube of Velveeta cheese in the microwave, until it's gooey -- not runny. Fill the Kong toy with cooked noodles. Pour cheese over noodles.

FROZEN BONZ: Mix up some bananas, unsweetened applesauce, oatmeal, peanut butter, and plain yogurt. Freeze.

Aunt Jeannie's Archeology KONG (for advanced dogs)
Fill your KONG toy (the larger the better!) in layers and pack as tightly as possible. LAYER ONE (deepest): KONG Stuff’N Beef and Liver treats. LAYER TWO: KONG Stuff’N Tail Mix or dry dog kibble, Cheerios, sugar-free, salt-free peanut butter, dried banana chips, apples and apricots. LAYER THREE: carrot sticks, turkey or leftover ravioli or tortellini. The last item inserted should be an apricot or piece of ravioli, presenting a smooth "finish" under the main opening. - by Jean Donaldson

CHEEZY DELIGHT: Combine small chunks of cheese (or cheese spread) with some dry dogfood and microwave until the cheese melts. Let it cool completely, then pour into the Kong toy. Freeze thoroughly.

ELVIS: Combine a ripe banana, 3 spoonfuls of peanut butter, and a slice of cheese. Mix until blended well. Fill the Kong and freeze.

MONSTER MASH: Instant mashed potatoes (without the salt) -- or leftover mashed potatoes from dinner -- mixed with crushed dog biscuits.

DOGGIE OMLET: Combine a scrambled egg, some beef, yogurt, cheese and mashed potatoes all together

FIBER CRUNCH: Combine bran cereal with some peanut butter.

KONGSICLE JERKY POPS: The equivalent of a popsicle... Seal the small hole of the Kong toy with peanut butter. Fill to the rim with water and a pinch of bouillon (or just use chicken broth instead). Place a stick or two of beef jerky inside. Freeze. (This one gets messy in a hurry, so it's recommended only for outdoor use.)

GOOEY CHEERIOS: Combine cheerios and peanut butter. Freeze.

FRUIT KITTY NOODLES: Mix together some dried fruit, cooked pasta, banana and dry cat food.

BANANA YOGURT: Plain yogurt and mashed bananas. (You can also add a little peanut butter or other fruits.) Then freeze it.

PEANUT BUTTER GLUE: Fill Kong 1/3rd full of dog food. Pour in melted peanut butter (after it has cooled from microwaving). Add more dog food, followed by more melted peanut butter until the Kong toy is full. Freeze until solid.

ROCK-HARD KIBBLE: Combine some of your dog's regular food with cream cheese, which acts as a cement, keeping everything inside.

STICKY BREAD: Smear peanut butter on a piece of bread. Fold it over and stuff inside the Kong. Mix together plain yogurt with some fruits or vegetables (carrots, celery) and pour inside. Freeze. The yogurt sticks to the bread holding everything together.

APPLE PIE: Squeeze a small piece of apple into the tiny hole. Fill the Kong with a small amount of plain yogurt. Add a few slices of mashed banana, more apple, yogurt, banana. End with a slice of banana and chunk of peanut butter on the top.

Smear some peanut butter on a slice of bread. Fold up the bread and cram it into the Kong. Freeze & serve.

Use your finger to line the inside of the Kong with something sticky (like peanut butter or honey) then toss medium-sized dog treats inside -- the kind that barely fit inside the hole and are hard to get out.

Try microwaving the peanut butter or cheese first -- this makes it runny and easy to pour into the KONG and leaves very little to waste. Then layer with another food item. Then freeze. The microwaved peanut butter & cheese fills every crack and crevice inside the Kong acting as a glue around the other ingredients making it much more challenging for your dog.

For the simplest Kong treat of all, just smear a little peanut butter or honey around the inside of the Kong. You'd be surprised how long your dog will work at this simple little treat.

Other Human Foods you can give your dog

  • Apples
  • Applesauce
  • Apricots
  • Baby Food(bananas, carrots)
  • Bananas Beef(cooked)
  • Beef Jerky
  • Black Olives
  • Bouillon
  • Bran Cereal
  • Bread
  • Broccoli(raw)
  • Carrots
  • Cashews
  • Cauliflower(raw)
  • Celery
  • Cheerios
  • Cheese(American,Cheddar)
  • Cheese Whiz
  • Chicken Broth
  • Cream Cheese
  • Croutons(plain)
  • Dried Fruit(bananas,apricots,apples)
  • Eggs(cooked)
  • Honey
  • Liver(Freeze dried)
  • Macaroni & Cheese(leftovers)
  • Nectarines
  • Nut Butter
  • Oatmeal
  • Orange Slices
  • Pasta Noodles(cooked)
  • Peaches
  • Peanut Butter
  • Potatoes (instant mashed,no skins)
  • Pumpkin (canned)
  • Ravioli
  • Rice
  • Rice Cakes
  • Steak(scraps)
  • Tomatoes(no greens or stems)
  • Tortellini
  • Tuna
  • Turkey(leftovers)
  • Velveeta
  • Wheat Germ
  • Yogurt (plain,lowfat,unsweetened,unflavored)